Lindy Series Starts in November!

We’re excited that you’re going to join us for classes at 8pm on Monday Nights! This 6-week class will be great for anyone who wants to improve their skills as a swing dancer. Dates: Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec.1, 8. When: Monday @8pm Where: The Lindy Lab Why you should come:

  1. You want to learn the great American swing dance: Lindy Hop!
  2. You want to improve your fundamentals as a Lindy Hopper!
  3. You want to learn to lead/follow the opposite role of what you normally do.
  4. You want some planned exercise each week.
  5. You want to meet some new people.
  6. You like jazz music!

Sign up using the form below to reserve your spot. The Lindy Lab Triangle Dance Studio 2603 S. Miami Blvd., Durham, NC

Sign ups for the November-December session have ended. See you in class!